Fear is my biggest weakness that just cripples me. It is so easy to let fear grip me and choke the life out of me. Whether it is the fear of the unknown, fear of the dark and "What was that sound?" or fear of something that's not real but I believe it could be real, so I fear it might happen. When fear has taken over, my thoughts spiral out of control and before I know it, I have let go of God's promises and begin to tremble.
So one of my friends told me that whenever I begin to fear, let that be a reminder to pray for someone. Like if you fast from food, when your tummy grumbles, use that as a reminder to pray or read the Bible. That made so much sense to me. So the next time I was fearful, it was like a little alarm went off as a reminder to pray for someone. So I prayed for my friend that told me this useful advice and I am telling you, that I believe satan hates using fear on me now.
I'm serious. Next time you fear, pray for someone, and watch how quickly fear leaves and how often you won't fear anymore. I use fear as a reminder to pray and I have found I don't fear much at all these days. Anytime we take one of satan's tactics to give God glory or run directly to Him, it infuriates satan and he quits using that. So try it and let me know how it goes!
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