Monday, June 2, 2014

I am a Wall...Six lessons from a Shulamite Woman (part one)

“(Others) We have a little sister, and she has no breasts. What shall we do for our sister on the day when she is spoken for? If she is a wall, we will build on her a battlement of silver, but if she is a door,
we will enclose her with boards of cedar.
(She) I was a wall, and my breasts were like towers; then I was in his eyes as one who finds peace.”
-Song of Solomon 8:8-10

            I love this part of the book Song of Solomon. The whole book is such a great picture of marriage between Solomon and his Shulamite bride, but we can learn so much from this small portion of their story. Here we learn about this woman the Shulamite and how she stood strong for the Lord and remained a virgin until her wedding day. These days, it seems prehistoric to find many people committed to purity. With the sex industry taking over, there’s not many examples of women to look up to and be encouraged by. But we can be encouraged and challenged by this woman’s example.
In verse 8, we hear the Shulamite woman’s brothers talking. “We have a little sister and she has no breasts.” (vs.8) They are older brothers and are addressing their little sister who is young. She hasn’t developed into a woman yet, so they are making a plan on how to look out for her and protect her. “What shall we do for our sister on the day when she is spoken for?” (vs.8) I love how intentional they are about protecting her. They make a plan to help her remain a virgin until her wedding day.
Dan and I have three boys, and if we were ever to have a daughter, this is how we would want her brothers to act towards her. I think any parent would want their children to be intentional when protecting each other. Coming along side each other, equipping each other, and being there through the hardships.

“If she is a wall, we will build upon her a battlement of silver” (vs9) I think of the great wall of China when I read this verse. A huge wall that is steadfast, immovable, and uncompromising. Her brothers are saying that if she is a woman who is strong in the Lord, does not compromise, faithful to the end, they will build upon her strengths and hold her up through the temptations and trials. This is how I want to be. I was a wall and I want to continue to be one. I’m not perfect by any means and I definitely have a lot of maturing and growing up to do, but when it comes to the things of the Lord, I want to be a wall.

“If she is a door, we will enclose her with boards of cedar.” (vs. 9) The huge revolving doors are so inviting to me. They are never closed and with one small push, will open and guide you right on in. Sometimes they do scare me because I would hate to get stuck in one, but this is how the Shulamite woman’s brothers describe how she might be; a woman who allows anyone who knocks to come in. A woman who is not strong in the face of temptation, but who easily crumbles and gives herself away. Her brothers say that if she is like this, they will basically lock her in a cage! Ha! If she cannot have self-control, they will help her by locking her up until they find her a husband. Her brothers are so intentional about protecting her virginity, this is the plan they came up with.

My favorite part, “I was a wall” (vs. 10). The Shulamite woman grew up, was a wall, remained a virgin, and her husband was blessed! She is the example that we should strive to follow. Be a wall before your wedding day and continue to be a wall for the Lord through the rest of your life.
So my question is how did she do it?? How did she remain strong and steadfast? Nowadays, this seems impossible, but it is not! We learn six lessons from this Shulamite woman that will teach us how to be a wall. I will be posting each lesson and hope you will be challenged to be a wall through whatever season you are facing!

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