Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cell Phone Madness

How did I go from, "I dream of having a cell phone some day," to "I left my cell phone at home. I'm having withdrawals, and it's only been two hours?" Seriously, I have major issues these days when it comes to "being connected."

I took my sister-in-law to the airport and as I was running out of the house grabbing diapers, children, shoes, and such, I left my precious cell phone lonely on my dresser. I didn't even realize I forgot it until we were sitting down to grab a bite to eat. Oh no! I forgot my cell phone. How will I make it to the airport and back without it? What if something happens, what if someone needs me? I asked my sister-in-law to text my husband telling him I forgot it and he shouldn't worry if I don't answer my phone.

I was doing fine without my phone, until, of course, I dropped her off. I waved good bye and drove off wondering "What do I do now?" I always talk to someone when driving a long distance or I might listen to a Bible study. All of my music is on my cell too. My adorable little boys were in the car, so I put a movie on for them. Listening to Toy Story 3 for like the 50th time would have to do for now.

That drive home was the longest I have ever experienced...even though it really took 35 minutes for me to make it home. I know that someone called me and I missed it. Someone texted me and I couldn't respond. Someone probably emailed me, and now I can only wait to see who was in need of me.

I think the reason why it was difficult to endure those 35 minutes (I know, pathetic) was due to the fact that I felt disconnected from the world. Technology has advance so greatly, that now we stay connected with people through our small cellular devices. I don't even have to speak a word to someone and I can be having a long conversation with them. At this moment I felt disconnected. I felt like so many people must be missing me and needing me and I had no way to help them! Will this drive go any slower!!!

I did make it home...alive. Ha! I pulled our boys out of the car, ran inside, straight to my cell, and sure enough...not one person tried to contact me in any way! Am I not that important? No one needed me. No one wanted to talk to me. And then, Jesus whispered to me:

"I wanted to talk to you. I needed you. You are so important to me and you ignored Me."

Gosh, a little humbling...or a lot! It is so easy to allow our devices to control us and keep us connected, but really how easy is it to put it down and give a little time to our Creator? I didn't. It wasn't easy for me. But now I know that next time, I will remember this and spend time connecting with Him first.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pursuing Purity

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments." ~Psalm 119:9-10

We've all been told how to pursue purity: wearing a purity ring, signing the commitment card, drawing the line on how far is too far, not developing relationships with boys, and I recently heard how a group of young girls each received a tiny box that they wrapped ribbon around and sealed with a bow. The girls were told this is their purity that they have now wrapped up and will save for their future husband. Ha! That last one was my favorite. (notice my sarcasm.)

Psalm 119:9 makes it so clear for us. How do we pursue purity? By following God's commands. By being drenched in His word and being obedient. We pursue purity as we pursue Christ. As you deepen your relationship with our Creator, purity becomes the by-product. Seek Him with your whole heart. Refuse the passing pleasures of this world.

I love having a plan. I need to know every detail about what I am doing, how it will work, who is involved, what they will do, and how my plan will succeed. I think that many of us think we need a plan when it comes to purity. We need it written out in easy step by step instructions. We need to know where I should draw the line and what is ok. Simply saying purity is the byproduct of a right relationship can be difficult for a planner to understand. You think "What does that mean??"

Well, I love how in Psalm 119:9 it makes it so clear. It gives us a plan and a simple one. "How do I pursue purity?" Read your Bible daily, follow God's commands, worship Him, pray fervently, be in fellowship through church, serve at your church, and focus your life on furthering the Kingdom of God.

Pursue Christ, pursue Purity